Craft Indo Khatulistiwa – From Indonesia To Around The World


Rustic Craft is a product brand from PT. Craft Indo Khatulistiwa. Our company is engaged in export and was established in 2022 from Indonesia. Our company sells the best quality of handycraft and furniture made from wood, bamboo, rattan, burlap, water hyacinth, fimbristylis globulosa, pandan leaves, coco fiber and many more. 

Lokasi : Jl. Terusan Jakarta 175A
Jenis Paket : Paket Website Perusahaan Semi PRO
Spesifikasi : CMS WordPress
Address :
Tahun Pembuatan : September 2022
Perusahaan : Craft Indo Khatulistiwa
Lama Pengerjaan : 2 Minggu
