We have created a small, intimate hut where we can share a piece of paradise with nature lover and divers from around the globe.
Thank you for your enthusiasm, to read this! Raja Ampat Diva Homestay is biggest dream from our family. Here you can read a little about us and get to know who we are, etc We hope this can make get closer to you.
Nidia was born in Yenbeser Village Gam Island. she has worked many years in the tourism. Raja ampat sail gave her big experience. These journeys fed her curiosity and expectation for tourism business. it became imperative to find a way to fund her dream -passion. As with all dream, you start with baby steps and hope to make great leaps from there!
Syahril was born in Sorong. After graduating from Fishery Diploma, he initially planned to get experience working fishery industry, he traveled to raja ampat to find a proper job. Sharil and Nadia met during tourism event and they embarked on their new story together. The rest is history. we finally decided to chase our dreams, and try our luck in tourism. So we settled down in Yenbeser Village and launched our own small project on Gam island, a remote island suffused with peace, tranquility, and living in direct contact with nature in its purest form, where you can enjoy the nature or dive in the one of the most beautiful places on earth.